Learning Outcomes of the WI Course
All Writing-intensive courses should integrate the following learning outcomes into their course designs:
- Writing-to-Learn: students will use informal or formal writing in ways that deepen their awareness of the field of study and its subject matter.
- Writing-to-Communicate: students will compose one or more written genres specific to the field of study in order to communicate key ideas tailored to specific audiences and purposes; genres may be academic, public, or professional.
- Writing-as-a-process: students will draft and revise written works based on feedback they receive from instructors and peers, using strategies appropriate to the genre, audience, and purpose.
WI Course Criteria
In addition to satisfying these learning outcomes, courses must also satisfy all WI criteria in order to achieve and maintain the WI designation.
More Information
Want to learn more about Mason’s writing curriculum? For more information about writing instruction and the role of the WI course, please visit our description of Mason’s general education writing curriculum.
Want to learn more about the implementation of these outcomes? Please visit our Outcomes Implementation page.