The international WAC community publishes many open-access resources that contribute to the field’s knowledge of teaching and learning to write. Below, we have curated some of the resources that we find particularly useful.
An outstanding resource that houses a number of the ones we link below and many others is The WAC Clearinghouse. People new to teaching with writing will find its introduction to WAC particularly insightful.
Textbooks Teaching GuidesFurther Reading and Listening
Podcasts and Blogs Articles of Interest- What Meaningful Writing Means to Students by Michelle Eodice, Anne Ellen Geller, and Neal Lerner
- How Writing Contributes to Learning by Paul Anderson et al.
- We Know What Works in Teaching Composition by Doug Hesse
- What Critics of Student Writing Get Wrong by Elizabeth Wardle
- I Cannot Prepare Your Students to Write Their History (Philosphy-Sociology-Poly-Sci-etc) Papers by John Warner
- Error in Student Writing: A Balanced, Developmental Approach by Paul T. Corrigan
- Mini and Mighty: How the One-Minute Paper Can Transform Your Teaching by Tom Sura
- Professor Expectations of Writing Assignments: A Student Perspective by Mikal Cardine
- Speed Up Grading with Rubric Codes by Jennifer Gonzalez
- Peer Workshops as Speed Dating by Ryan Cordell
- Teaching for Uncoverage rather than Coverage by Mark Sample
- Why Plagiarism Doesn’t Bother Me At All: A Research-Based Overview of Plagiarism as Educational Opportunity by Gerald Nelms