Below is a list of some of our most frequently received questions. If you do not find the answer to your specific question, please feel free to contact the WAC Program by emailing us at
Does my course count as Writing Intensive?This class is includes a good deal of writing as that is a pedagogical approach I value. It is not, however, a designated ‘WI course,’ because it has not been approved but the Faculty Senate’s WAC Committee to provide WI credits to students in the major.
This class uses writing as a form of learning—students will produce a substantial amount of text, discuss, workshop, and revise the writing they produce, and learn about the expectations for writers in the X major via our assignments. (Please note: This class does not carry the ‘WI Course’ designation that students need for graduation.)
Even though this class does not carry the ‘WI Course’ designation, this class includes a good deal of writing. Writing has been shown to deepen learning, especially helping to develop critical thinking skills. You will be asked to revise following my feedback and to demonstrate attention to the conventions of college-level writing.
This course employs writing as a principal method for understanding and making meaning out of course content. It does not carry the WI Course designation granted by the Faculty Senate WAC Committee.