WAC’s Core Curriculum

Writing Across the Curriculum facilitates an array of professional development opportunities designed to offer faculty a variety of ways to learn more about writing instruction and reflect on their teaching.

WAC’s Core Curriculum

  • WAC Foundations: 60 or 90-minute workshops focused on foundational concepts for teaching (with) writing
  • WAC Primer: a 4-session learning community designed to introduce faculty to teaching the WI
  • WAC Academy: a 7-session cohort-based faculty learning community exploring the intentional integration of learning to write within disciplinary courses and curricula
  • WAC Research Incubator: a semester-long cohort-based research community focused on writing instruction

If your department or college is interested in collaborating with WAC on one of these innovative professional development programs, please contact us at wac@gmu.edu. We are currently seeking partnerships for our fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters.

WAC Foundations Workshops: Fall 2024

Our workshops offer a brief, hands-on introduction into the foundations of teaching with writing.

Introduction to the Writing-intensive Course

Are you new to teaching a WI course or want a refresher on some of the basics? This workshop will focus on writing-intensive course design and help faculty prepare for the semester ahead or the WI enhancements process. Join WAC staff to learn more about the new learning outcomes and begin drafting your WI course materials.

Day and time (held on Zoom): Wednesday August 21st, 11:00am-12:30pm

Registration: You can sign up here

Teaching writing in the disciplines

Want to help students produce better writing in your course? This workshop will introduce a core approach to teaching writing in the disciplines. Join WAC staff to learn more about the approach and support your students’ writing success.

Day and time (held on Zoom): Friday September 13, 2024 | 12:00-1:30pm

Registration: You can sign up here

Preparing career-ready writers

This workshop explores strategies for supporting students’ transfer of writing knowledge across writing situations

Day and time (held on Zoom): forthcoming

Registration: forthcoming

Providing effective and sustainable feedback

Want to develop a more sustainable plan for providing feedback? This workshop will help faculty increase student engagement with and the impact of their feedback. Participants will first learn more about how students revise before exploring some strategies for providing feedback to support more substantive student revision. The workshop will close by offering faculty some time to implement one of the strategies into their courses.

Day and time (on Zoom): Friday September 27, 2024 | 12:00-1:30pm

Registration: You can sign up here

Faculty Learning Communities: Spring 2024

WAC Primer

The WAC Primer is a 4-session series designed to help faculty learn foundational approaches for teaching with writing and align learning tasks with their course’s communications focused learning outcomes, such as the new Writing-intensive course outcomes. The Primer is an excellent opportunity to reflect on your writing course design, meet and exchange ideas with colleagues across campus, and prepare materials for the semester or WI Enhancements process.

The Primer begins with an introduction to teaching with writing across disciplines and writing course design. The following sessions focus on the WI learning outcomes, supporting intentional writing-learning, and preparing course materials. By the end of the Primer, participants will have a scaffolded sequence of writing tasks to support the learning outcomes chosen for their course and a draft of WI course materials.  

This FLC will be facilitated by Tim Lilley, WAC Fellow for Faculty Development

When? Wednesdays at 12:00-1:30pm; January 31 – February 21

Interested in this FLC opportunity? Registration is closed

Have any questions about the FLC? Email us at wac@gmu.edu

WAC Academy

This spring, WAC is partnering with the College of Virtual and Performing Arts (CVPA) to facilitate a seven-session professional learning program designed to support CVPA faculty members in enhancing their strategies for effective writing instruction. The sessions are structured to provide both theoretical insights and research-informed practices that support the intentional integration of writing throughout majors. 

In each session, faculty members discuss reading materials, engage in self-reflection, and exchange ideas about disciplinary writing and teaching practices. Additionally, faculty develop materials and course designs that create more inclusive and accessible writing courses and curricula.

WAC Research Incubator

Interested in a research-driven approach to faculty development? This semester, WAC and CEHD are piloting a new approach to professional development that brings together faculty members’ interests in scholarship and teaching through a research community focused on writing instruction in WI courses. Designed to enhance the sustainability of WI courses and facilitate the exchange of instructional strategies, this community invites faculty members to systematically examine their teaching practices in conversation with colleagues from across the college. Members of the Research Incubator then use their inquiries to pursue publication and presentation opportunities.

Request a Workshop

WAC Program staff are happy to offer one of our standing workshops to departments and programs. Descriptions of these workshops are below. If you would like to request a workshop, please email us at wac@gmu.edu.

  • Designing High Impact Writing Assignments: Participants in this workshop will learn the design principles that contribute to engaging and meaningful writing experiences for their students. The workshop will begin with a discussion of the research that informs these principles and will quickly move into some strategies for implementing them into courses across the curriculum. The workshop will close by offering faculty some time to implement one of the strategies into their courses.
  • Small Teaching in the Writing-enriched Classroom: Inspired by James Lang’s popular book, Small Teaching, this workshop will introduce participants to some quick writing activities that can take as few as five minutes to effectively foster student learning in classrooms across the curriculum. The workshop will include a brief introduction to the writing-to-learn scholarship that informs these activities and will provide a sampling of model designs that participants can implement and build into their own teaching.
  • Providing Feedback to Support Student Revision: This workshop will help faculty increase student engagement with and the impact of their feedback. Participants will first learn more about how students revise before exploring some strategies for providing feedback to support more substantive student revision. The workshop will close by offering faculty some time to implement one of the strategies into their courses.


The Writing Across the Curriculum Program supports all faculty across Mason who teach (with) writing. If you would like assistance in developing course materials – syllabi, assignments, or activities – to help your student writers, please contact us at wac@gmu.edu.