Writing Across the Curriculum

Celebrate the National Day on Writing!

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Friday, October 20th is the National Day on Writing!

The National Day on Writing celebrates the role of writing in our everyday lives. Whether it’s academic papers, email, texts, tweets, or graphic novels, we all write.

This National Day on Writing, Mason’s Writing Across the Curriculum Program will be celebrating writing on the Fairfax campus. Join us in the Johnson Center, Meeting Room E for workshops on different types of writing throughout the day:

11:00-12:00: Open Mic

12:00-1:30: Strategies for Revising a Draft, presented by the Writing Center

In this workshop, you will learn and practice some techniques for seeing strengths and weaknesses in your own drafts and for revising accordingly. The workshop focuses on techniques you can use to check your drafts for big-picture concerns such as content development, line of argument, and organization, and provides strategies for proofreading and editing. You’ll find this workshop most valuable if you bring a first or second draft of a course assignment. Please bring a print copy of the draft.

1:30-2:00: Proposal Writing presented by OSCAR

How do you write to convince people to give you things? Convincing an audience that you have a good idea and a plan to accomplish it is the essence of applying for a grant. In this workshop, we’ll use the OSCAR Undergraduate Research Scholars Program proposal as a model for how to approach grant writing.

2:00-3:00: INTO Mason Showcase of Graduate Student Research

INTO Mason international graduate students from across the disciplines will be presenting their in-progress research, which they began in EAP 507/508. Students in this course pursued discipline-specific research questions by examining secondary research in their fields. Through this project students were introduced to the conventions of research in the U.S. academy and to the linguistic moves that are common to academic writing in their disciplines.

In addition to the workshops happening in the Johnson Center, come out to the Fenwick Library Lobby and the North Plaza to tell us your writing story! The WAC program will be at these locations from 10:00AM to 2:00PM to help students share why they write, what they write, where they write, when they write, and how they write. We will be sharing these writing stories across social media to join in the national celebration.

So come celebrate the many forms that writing takes in our everyday lives! Celebrate the 2017 National Day on Writing on Friday, October 20th.