Teaching with Writing

What are the foundations of teaching writing across the curriculum? This page offers resources describing foundational practices for teaching writing and provides suggestions for further reading.

Video Resources

Print Resources

Assignment Design Low-stakes Writing Responding to Student Writing Revision and Peer Review Supporting the Transfer of Student Writing Knowledge Teaching Writing Online Teaching Activities

Teaching Activities

Image of faculty member discussing the benefits of reflection
Students gain proficiency as writers when they have frequent opportunities to write in courses across the curriculum, addressing a range of audiences and practices the genres typical of their majors and the workplaces they will enter. Reflective writing can help them connect these experiences, makes sense of the differences among them, and repurpose writing knowledge for current tasks.

Class Activities

The following documents and images are samples of ways to integrate writing into course content across the disciplines.  These activities can be short, 10-minute discussions, or they can be expanded into full, class-length exercises.  Text in the gray boxes is meant to support how the exercise works.