According to a Faculty Senate Motion passed in May 1997, all Writing Intensive syllabi will contain the following information:
- explicit statement that the course “fulfills all or in part the writing-intensive requirement for the ____________ major”;
- specific description of the assignments/procedures by which the course fulfills the Writing Intensive criteria.
The following samples are not intended as a template, merely as one MINIMAL way of fulfilling the intent of the Senate motion. As explained above, we expect that individual teachers and departments will develop unique ways of meeting the criteria and we encourage faculty to go into more detail than the sample does in describing the assignments/procedures.
Sample Writing Intensive Statement on Syllabus 1
This course has been approved by the Faculty Senate Writing Across the Curriculum Committee to fulfill all/in part the Writing Intensive requirement in the _________ major. It does so through the 1000-word paper on _______ due _______, the 1000-word analytical report due ______, and the 2500-word research report. The research report will be completed through a draft/feedback/revision process. The first draft will be due _______; I will provide commentary on the draft, and the revised draft will be due on _______.
Sample Writing Intensive Statement on Syllabus 2
The Faculty Senate Writing Across the Curriculum Committee has approved this course to fulfill all/in part of the Writing Intensive (“WI”) requirement in _______ major. These requirements are met in 3 ways: 1) a 1,000-word analytical paper on _____ due _____, 2) a 2,000-word research paper that will undergo several drafts before final submission on ________, and 3) a 1,000-word essay on ______ that will receive extensive comments from me that will be due on ______.