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WI Courses
If you are teaching a WI course, please do double-check that your syllabus has the required information and statement.
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Articles of Interest to WI Course Faculty
- Error in Student Writing: A Balanced, Developmental Approach by Paul T. Corrigan
- Mini and Mighty: How the One-Minute Paper Can Transform Your Teaching by Tom Sura
- Professor Expectations of Writing Assignments: A Student Perspective by Mikal Cardine
- When and How Should Your Students Use the Writing Center? By Alisa Russell
- I Cannot Prepare Your Students to Write Their History (Philosphy-Sociology-Poly-Sci-etc) Papers by John Warner (Inside Higher Ed, 15 Dec 2015)
- Speed Up Grading with Rubric Codes by Jennifer Gonzalez (on
- Real World Writers Discussion Revision by Bedford St. Martins
- Peer Workshops as Speed Dating by Ryan Cordell (on ProfHacker)
- Teaching for Uncoverage rather than Coverage by Mark Sample (on ProfHacker)
- Why Plagiarism Doesn’t Bother Me At All: A Research-Based Overview of Plagiarism as Educational Opportunity by Gerald Nelms (on Teaching and Learning In Higher Ed)
Campus Resources
- George Mason Review (A publication for undergraduate researchers)
- The George Mason Writing Center