As a program that advocates for embedded disciplinary writing practice, Mason WAC has been fortunate to coordinate with a variety programs and offices across the campus, as well as develop relationships with a number of nationally recognized projects. Here are a few notable collaborators:
On-campus partners
Stearns Center for Teaching and LearningThe mission of George Mason University’s Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning is to provide leadership in promoting, supporting, and celebrating educational excellence. We pursue our mission through working with Mason faculty to enhance their skills as educators, as reflective practitioners in their disciplines, and as scholars in teaching, learning and research. The Stearns Center seeks to promote a climate of shared intellectual exploration and openness and to advocate for academic initiatives related to educational and faculty enhancement. The Stearns Center collaborates with academic, academic support, administrative, and University Life offices to offer resources and support to faculty from across the Mason community at all stages of their academic careers, including graduate students, part-time faculty, and full-time faculty.
The Composition Program at George Mason University serves nearly 8,000 students a year via three writing-intensive courses: English 100, English 101, and English 302. In all three courses, students are encouraged to see writing as a social, imaginative, multifaceted action. Writers create texts that attend to particular cultural and academic contexts and that meet the expectations of particular audiences. Our faculty help students attend to their writing throughout an extended, recursive process of drafting, revising, and editing.
The Writing Center provides the primary support to student writers on Mason’s campuses. WAC and the Writing Center frequently coordinate to facilitate ongoing conversations about writing at Mason.
Mason Core is Mason’s general education curriculum. It seeks to create a common foundation upon which every student’s disciplinary knowledge is built. The program places emphasis on writing and communication development.
The mission of the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development is to develop an enriching and collaborative university environment, supporting faculty members in their scholarly and professional growth.
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning advances the strategic goals of George Mason University through collaborations and partnerships that engage stakeholders (senior leaders/administration, faculty, staff and students) in data-informed strategic, operational and tactical decisions. OIEP does this by capitalizing on our experience and professional judgment drawing upon quantitative and qualitative analytic information.
National Partners
Mason WAC’s faculty are active in a variety of professional organizations and projects across the United States.
Association for Writing Across the CurriculumThe Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) is the main professional organization for WAC practitioners and provides a central hub for the many components of the WAC network. Through it various activities and initiatives, AWAC seeks to promote the visibility and impact of WAC research, pedagogy, and programming on public discourse.
The WAC Clearinghouse operates as an intellectual hub for WAC professionals internationally. It provides access to a wide variety of resources including journals, books and book series, and extensive information about WAC/WID activities, projects, and programs at sites around the world.
The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) supports and promotes the teaching and study of college composition and communication by 1) sponsoring meetings and publishing scholarly materials for the exchange of knowledge about composition, composition pedagogy, and rhetoric; 2) supporting a wide range of research on composition, communication, and rhetoric; 3) working to enhance the conditions for learning and teaching college composition and to promote professional development; and 4) acting as an advocate for language and literacy education nationally and internationally.
The Council of Writing Program Administrators is a national association of college and university faculty with professional responsibilities for (or interests in) directing writing programs. Members include directors of freshman composition, undergraduate writing, WAC/WID/CAC, and writing centers, as well as department chairs, division heads, deans, and so on.