Writing Across the Curriculum

Announcing Writers of Mason!

At heart, all university campuses are communities of writers.

In Mason’s Writing Across the Curriculum Program, we work with a diverse array of writers. Mason’s students write in multiple contexts, with different styles, and for a variety of purposes. Our faculty teach writing in classrooms, seminars, and as part of their local and global field projects. Students and faculty alike contribute to the literature of their scholarly, research, creative, and professional communities.

In order to celebrate all of the writing we do as a community, the Writers of Mason project will capture the unique experiences and activities of writers on our campus—students who sit next to you in class, professors who teach lectures and labs, faculty mentors who guide you through your college years, adminsitrators who lead our campus community, and staff who keep so many parts of our campus working effectively. Profiles will feature writing in all its many guises, as it is taught, learned, and composed in our diverse campus communities. (We give a tip of the hat to the Humans of New York project, the impulse for this project.)

Check out the first Writers of Mason profile on The Writing Campus. To participate in the Writers of Mason project, please email the WAC progam’s staff to schedule an interview: [email protected].

Mason celebrates the National Day on Writing on Friday, October 20th, 2017. Details on our celebration will be posted in early fall.

“A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.” –Susan Sontag