“I really want to do a sestina, which is a crazy, super complicated, about-2-pages poem. I’m thinking maybe [I’ll do] 10-15 of them. Which is a lot. But I want to cover, maybe, the life of a person. It would be a new venture for me. I’ve written in short story format, I’ve written scripts, I’ve tried writing novels. I’ve done most all types of fictional pieces, but I’ve never really done poetry because, for the longest time, I hated poetry. It was one of the formats where I’m like, ‘if you can do it you usually do it well, but I can’t understand it, I can’t write it.’ So by me taking a poetry class, it actually opened up my eyes to ‘hey, I can do poetry, and I can do it pretty well.’ So now I’m like ‘okay, I want to do this. I want to push myself.’”
Taylor Mitchell is an undergraduate English major concentrating in Cultural Studies.